Here's A Quick, Easy Way To Write Great Headlines
Headlines are obviously, the gateway of your post or blog. If your headlines doesn't have the basic properties it should possess, your article is failing.
You should know that your headline must play these two roles in order to be listed out as an okay headline:
- Grab the reader's attention.
- Motivate the reader to read on.
1. Grab the reader's attention.
Your headline should be good enough to to grab the attention of anyone who comes across it, especially your targeted audience. It should make the reader think "Nice write-up, won't hurt if I see what's inside".
If your headline fails to capture the attention of your reader, it's over, you failed!
...but that doesn't mean that there's no room for improvement. Let's move on.
Few things we can do to grab attention:
- Make your headline stand-out visually.
- Use attention grabbing keywords.
- Be concise.
Capturing attention isn't particularly valuable if we can't do anything with it, that's where the second part comes into play.
2. Motivate The Reader To Read On
Now this is where things get a little bit complex. You have to make sure your headline motivates the reader to continue reading that copy/article.
Sometimes this is as simple as "click a button to continue reading".
Often, it's more like, "move your eyes down a line and continue reading".
And in rare cases, it's something like, "open this envelope, so you can continue reading".
The main point here is to convince the reader to continue reading!
There are number of things we can do to get people to continue reading:
- Make a clear promise.
- Create a curiosity hook.
- Reference a topic the reader is interested in.
- Reference a brand or person the reader is interested in.
Here Are Some Easy Tips To Write A Good Headline.
1. Understand the importance of writing great headlines.
As you all know, a headline gives the first impression on readers, this mean you must try to make it look good and enticing at all costs. A strong headline can drive more clicks and generate more leads. A weak one is most likely to send traffic away. You have to spend time to get it right.
2. Follow The Rule Of The Third Third.
Confused? Here's some expo!
" You have to get the first third ideas out of your head to make room for the second third and third third ideas to come "
-Tim Hurson
As you start to develop ideas, each new one will be more difficult to come-by. But this is a good thing.
Once the obvious ideas have been exhausted, you make room for more "not so obvious" ideas. While doing this, you'll notice that you get more desperate and creative towards the end.
Remember, practice make perfect.
3. Start by writing 10 headlines.
It is important to make these steps a personal habit. Even if you feel like you've gotten a pretty good headline, force that spirit in you to write at least 10 more headlines.
4. Now, write 15 more headlines.
You read that right! Kick out that lazy spirit and write 15 more headlines.
5. Cross out the worst 15.
Often, destroying something is pretty much easier than creating one, same as copywriting. Deciding which headline not to use is much easier than deciding which to use. This is why removing your least favorite from the start works so well.
6. Bold your top 5 headlines.
After obeying my instructions above, what's left are pretty good headlines and boring ones too. Choose your top 5 and make them bold.
7. Conduct a poll
Here's where you get to do a little test to see if your headlines had the qualities of being good. You have have to get 2-3 people for this poll. Show your list of headlines to them and see which one gets voted for the most. You don't have to be shy to do this. Get your colleagues, friends, siblings or even parents. It helps a lot.
8. Carry out the A/B Test
At this time, you've gotten the best out of the 5. Now to wrap things up, go with it. Yeah... Move on with the headline. You'll have to conduct the test by showing different headlines consecutively to your readers. Do this and see which one drives more clicks.
With these easy tips, you should be able to write a great headline by yourself. Remember, practice makes perfect.
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