My Dream Job

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 4

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Like I said in an older post, I wanted to become an engineer when i was younger. I thought I had the passion, but life proved me wrong. Yeah, I was daft then.

To be very honest, I don't have a dream job. Do I truly understand the meaning of a job? Or am I not passionate enough?

I don't think it's either.

A job is when you work for or under someone for money right? I don't think I need that.

Well, people have spent almost their lifetime working for people, maintaining that 9-5 timeframe, being bossed around and stuff like that, that's their life.



Research also shows that people no longer follow what they studied in school when it comes to getting a job. And in this present world, people would choose skills over school certificates. What's a certificate when someone else who is uneducated does the job more than you do?

For me, I envision my career to be centered around self employment. I have no time and strength to take orders from arrogant bosses who are bent on making life hell for employees. Lol. 

At my young age, I've learnt skills which are relevant in our modern world and I'm gonna apply them when the time comes.

Few of those skills are:

  • Copywriting
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Forex Trading
  • Learning about crypto
  • Learning musical instruments
  • Blogging
  • Coding
  • WhatsApp Marketing. Etc
Even if I don't put them to practice now, passing the knowledge to others by teaching them, would fetch me good cash.

Here you have it, that's my dream. And I'm happy I started it at an early stage.

Personally, I do not know anyone on their way to their dream career, but if I did know someone personally, I would tell that person that even though the road to their dream career may be difficult, they have to keep the end result in mind at all times. The end result of their goal should be something that pushes them to do more throughout their journey.

Surely, there would be challenges, which is a good thing. A good thing because, without challenges, one would not be able to grow and find new strengths within their career. Growth and finding new strengths in career are very important especially if it's a passion. You'll find yourself flourishing.

Looking at traits of successful people, I feel I'm on the right track. Leaving my comfort zone, having fun while working hard, pushing myself out of the crowd, getting better at the things I do and providing value to others.

I also have to improve on few qualities like - being persistent through failure, trying to make something out with any available resources, coming up with new ideas. 

Once I'm good in all that, I'll have no worries about any job and I'll be on my way to getting the right career.

- Ojukwu Samuel

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